Contact center
Group and closed chat, integrated with all modules
Participate in discussions with colleagues
Powerful communication tool. CRM integration with teams allows you to initiate discussions at all levels of your company. Get overviews of topics discussed, as well as all messages in the news feed module.

Chat from anywhere in the world
Keep conversations open in other modules. Transfer the conversation to a pop-up window and continue the conversation in other LBS Cloud modules.

Integration simplifies life
You can do all your work with one click. All your LBS Cloud contacts are just one click away. Nose With the LBS Cloud VoIP widget you have more options than just calling them. You can send emails, schedule meetings, view information about their orders or internal team notes, and more! LBS Cloud VoIP integrates with applications such as CRM, Sales, Helpdesk, Invoicing, and more so you can optimize your workflows and eliminate tedious manual work for your commands.