The production module in LBS Cloud helps you efficiently plan production orders, taking into account available resources, demand volumes, and delivery deadlines. You can automatically generate production orders based on configured rules and demand forecasts with CRM manufacturing software.

The module allows for flexible material lists with additional routing, versioning, and creation of phantom material lists. You can easily use specifications for kits or production orders.

Work Order
The module enables the organization of production orders and work orders in a user-friendly interface. You can easily view and manage orders using lists, calendars, and Gantt charts.

Integration with other modules
The production module is fully integrated with other LBS Cloud modules, such as sales, procurement, and accounting. This allows for accurate planning of production resources and real-time assessment of cost accounting, as well as generating reports on income and expenses related to production.

Process automation
The production module includes automation features that streamline production processes, reduce manual work, and ensure efficient resource utilization.

The module CRM for the manufacturing industry provides detailed data analysis for production, enabling informed decision-making based on key performance indicators, costs, quality, and other factors. This contributes to the optimization of production processes and increased profitability.